I would like the wall to reach level 200 and make it more amazing then before.

I wish there could be more setting or more that we can defend. Would love to add more heroes on defend in defend mode because we only get to put two hero. I would love love to see new troop level and new design on clothing for the troops. But I wish you can make more update and add more stuff in. I love the design on the troops and heroes. This is an amazing game, full of things I wanted. That’s all I wanna say thank you for your time and I appreciate if you read this especially the developers! One last thing before I go maybe be able to change the region of your base. The spearman should less health or something like that I also noticed they demolish Calvary which is one way to balance Calvary. For swordsmen they’re pretty balanced in my opinion. Well maybe balance for example the skirmishes can have weak health very weak but yet can damage from afar and use like swordmen to protect them. Now balance I’ve heard some people talk about if you just spam skirmishes or Calvary’s something like that it’s a win. So like you know the general and see the XP well maybe you could use it to promote him to Roman General or something but they’re can only be one and more ranks like that to give more of a military commander feel of the game. Also I was thinking of a ranking system for the soldiers. Next, Multiplayer I would love to see that because my friend wants to invade me and see who’s stronger! Also I love the idea when you invade people and you have the legions yea that’s something I really enjoy. For example Arcani is black maybe make the 8 units black and I also noticed Arcani looks kinda like an Assassin so maybe the 8 units can have a speed buff or a invisible for 1.02 seconds. I was thinking you know how the Hero has up to 8 units well I was thinking those 8 units could be color coded to the hero.

Lead a bunch of weak peasants into the fierceness of battle to turn them into invincible warriors. Turn a small republic in the heart of the Italian peninsula into the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.

You are Caesar, mighty leader of the Roman republic, your objective is to defeat other civilizations in ancient Europe with an army made-up of roman soldiers, siege weapons, heroes and barbarian mercenaries. Grow Empire: Rome is a captivating game, mixing tower defense (TD) and strategy mechanisms with role playing (RPG) elements. Lead legions of soldiers to defend your empire!